Saturday, September 17, 2011

Why Soap Discoveries Should Be Your Beauty Bar

These days we demand more from our soap than just feeling clean.  We want it to soften our skin, protect it and prevent it from aging.  This is a tall order and claims of this magnitude are not supported by the FDA.
Despite extravagant claims about the benefits of essential oils, most soaps contain molecules that have no nutritional benefit so they do nothing for the skin except provide a solution for cleaning it.  Many even damage the skin by removing the natural acid mantle layer of protection which inhibits bacteria and dehydration. They have not been formulated by scientists.
The science of soap has lead to discoveries that can be beneficial to your beauty regime.  Dr. Wu, PhD in Molecular Biology, has used the fact that cell membranes are lipids, to develop a soap with multiple polyunsaturated fatty acids. These fatty acids form the major lipid components of all cell membranes.  As an ingredient in soap, they are the basic building block of new skin cells.
As you wash, you slough off dead skin cells making the skin dry and susceptible to UV damage.  Soap Discoveries replenishes skin cells by adding back multiple polyunsaturated fatty acids through the simple process of absorption by the skin.  Enjoy the silky finish on the skin that is the result of using Soap Discoveries.  And keep in mind that because the ph has not been changed, you can use treatment products after washing and be confident that they are being absorbed.